Financial / Economics
Economic System
1.(100% local gift economy):Complete co-sufficiency on a gift economy basis.
2.Co-sufficiency on a local currency/barter basis within a fully localised economy.
3.Gift economies existing with minimal dependency on the dominate economic model.
4.LETS, Timebanks and local currencies existing with minimal dependency on the
dominant economic model.
5.A ‘greener’ globalised monetary economy.
6.(100% global monetary economy): A globalised monetary economy.
Money (State Interface)
1.(100% local gift economy):
2.{progression checkpoint}: This is a placeholder. The number of checkpoints is not
3.{progression checkpoint}: This is a placeholder. The number of checkpoints is not
4.(100% global monetary economy):
————————————–End Progression of
Even if the IC operated on a 100% barter economy internally, (and barring collapse, squatting,
or life on the high seas) some money will be required to interface with the agricultural state.
<please feel free to add links & ideas>
[this is all quite roughly outlined at the moment]
Reduction of the money demanded is preferable to increasing the money supply in most
scenarios. Very few methods of collecting wages are exempt from classification as wage
Options for money generation
●Selling the fruits of the land
●Selling the fruits of labor by adding value to natural resources
●Services provided to the public from within the IC enclave.
●Services provided to the public external to the IC.
●Goods delivered remotely
●Service provided remotely (e.g., internet).
●Information delivered remotely
Of these options, the “services provided remotely” category offers several advantages. Since
one principle of paleo life is a semi-nomadic existence, the ability to disconnect geography
from income is almost a requirement. The non-remote options require establishment or
maintenance of a customer base to some degree. The extent to which this is true is
debatable, but higher profit margins tend to come through non-tangible value rather than
commodified goods and services.
Goods delivered remotely provide many advantages, but require depletion of natural
resources (i.e. actual food and habitat).
Even in the instance of surplus, distribution of goods externally represents an open loop in
the system.
One service (that applies locally and remotely) that would be valuable to provide is anything
informational/educational. With the growth of the “paleo” community, we know that the
message is attractive to a large segment of the population. It certainly hasn’t been
disseminated to the extent that it’s possible.
Selling information over the internet allows significant leverage of time, and can yield
significant returns.
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